How To Support Your Entrepreneur Boyfriend [our experience]
Henry working… shock
Behind every good male young entrepreneur comes a strong supporting girlfriend or boyfriend. Learning how to support your entrepreneur boyfriend is important to maintain a healthy relationship. From the outside, it might look like all roses and butterflies, but a lot goes into supporting a high net worth man.
What people don't see is the late hours and early mornings glued to their laptops. The constant buzz of the phone, the never-ending calendar invites and missing important events all for work. It takes a lot to have a successful boyfriend, but what people don't see is how we, as partners, support them to be their best selves.
Not to toot my own horn, but a big part of why Henry is so successful is because he has an amazing support network behind him. A lot of time in relationships, people measure value on the monetary value they bring to a relationship. However, it is so much more. I believe a woman can bring so much to a relationship that a man just can't.
On that note, let's get into how to support your entrepreneur boyfriend, achieve work-life balance and achieve a win-win in your love life.
You Should Encourage Him
If you are in a relationship with an entrepreneur, you will be his biggest cheerleader. Being an entrepreneur comes with plenty of highs and lows. You will be constant through these times to support him.
In times of need, avoid being negative. Don't add to it if he is going through a period of self-doubt. Words or reinforcement, reassurance and reminders of how where he has come from and how much he has achieved will help.
He is your boyfriend, so you should be encouraging him in everything he does anyway. Just make sure you are there to cheer him just as much, no matter rain or shine.
You Should Show Interest In His Work
You will find with an entrepreneur boyfriend that a lot of your conversations will revolve around his business. You need to get used to this, and you need to start to pay interest in his work.
Even if it is the most dry and boring industry in the world, this is their world. They invest so much time and energy into their business day in and day out. Therefore, you must be interested and engaged when they come to you to talk to you about it. It is their weird way of showing you into their world.
Encourage conversations about his work, and ask him questions like
How are things going with the business?
What stage is the new update at?
How's the recruitment going?
How did that important meeting/pitch go?
Keeping up to date with their work-life will only make you guys closer. Supporting your entrepreneur boyfriend can get really tricky when they are not around a lot. So, when they are around, asking them what they have done whilst being away will mean so much to them and show you care.
You Should Offer Suggestions
One value that really sticks out when learning how to support your entrepreneur boyfriend with entrepreneur couples is being that push he needs.
If you want to attract a high-net-worth guy, you need to offer something that not just any girl can offer him. You need to be his final push. Now, what do I mean by that?
Say, for example, you see your man not working to his potential, slacking and falling behind. It is your job as his partner to push him to do what you know he has the potential for. If you think about it, he fully trusts your opinion and your view of him. So he will value your input.
Entrepreneurs want to feel like the provider. Therefore, if you call him out and say he is not fulfilling that role, it will be his biggest motivation to step up. This is where your complementary skills come into place with his business venture.
Now, that is a very extreme example, and most of the time won't be the case. But you have to understand that your entrepreneur boyfriend is with you for a reason: he trusts you and values you and your opinion. So you need to take advantage of this and push him forward.
You Should Be Trustworthy
Now, trust should be the foundation of any relationship, regardless of whether it is with an entrepreneur or not. While also being understanding and supportive, trust is a must to grow long term.
However, with an entrepreneur boyfriend, it is a bit different. You will find that your trust levels need to be 100% and then some. This is because, during the journey of learning how to support your entrepreneur boyfriend, there are going to be times when he is in unusual situations.
It could be travelling for work, client nights out, long weekends away, or even casual dinners throughout the week. This all eats time into the time you have to spend with him and can sometimes cause jealousy in some relationships.
You know what they say about 'work trips' and 'travelling for business' ; it always comes with negative connotations. This is where you, as his partner, need to allow yourself to trust him and let him do what he needs to do.
I don't mean anything you are not comfortable with or outside the realm of what standards of respect you have set for your relationship. But I mean letting them spend that time working and building and see it as him working it on for the both of you. Once you allow yourself to fully trust, you will not only see the benefits from it but also feel a lot more secure in your relationship.
For example, Henry recently went to Marbella for a month with 7 other guys. At first, I had my reservations. But, I soon became comfortable with the idea because it was something he wanted to do and would only benefit us both in the long run. And it did. I wouldn't change that for the world, but it is definitely something you learn over time.
How To Support Your Entrepreneur Boyfriend - You Should Be Financially Organised
No high-net-worth guy is going to find value in someone that is unorganised financially. If you can't organise your finances and have loans, debt, and unpaid credit cards left, right and centre, he will find it hard to trust you with finances.
However, we are in a cost-of-living crisis, so I know this is hard for a lot of people. But if you can show you think before you spend, you are mindful of your investments and know when to say no; these attributes will shine through.
Naturally, like most relationships, finances can put it under strain. Therefore, if you are thinking about how to support your entrepreneur boyfriend, you need to find a way to deal with these issues. There are several ways you can do this.
Another work pic… shock
Keep a record of how much money you are both spending- in and out
Discussing what each of your roles is. If he can rely on you for business needs when there is an urgency
Controlling the budgets that help with business and households
You are essentially being that helping hand he needs to make his like that one bit easier. Henry and I don't do this as Henry would much prefer someone else to do this for him, so it does not eat into our relationship and cause problems.
However, what we do do is discuss our relative roles. For example, as Henry earns more than I do, we like to discuss what value we both bring to the relationship, monetary or not, and base our decisions around that.
You Should Be Flexible
Similar to trust, to be with an entrepreneur is to be flexible. I don't just mean cancelled plans or rearranged plans. I mean last-minute plans or getting told at the last minute about changes.
Fortunately, Henry has never cancelled on me in our whole relationship (never say never, though!) Purely down to his nature and how committed he is when he makes plans with anyone.
However, when supporting an entrepreneur, prepare to be kept on your toes. Sometimes you will be told about a dinner or an event the day before. You have to be super flexible and not let this phase you.
Granted, it never gets less annoying when you are trying to plan a week. However, you have to learn to accept it. Sometimes you will be able to go, and sometimes you won't. Either way, you should not feel bad about it.
Learning to go with the flow is a massive part of supporting your entrepreneur boyfriend. If you try to control every aspect of your relationship, it just won't work. Instead, learn to find freedom in the spontaneous plans and exciting events or dinners you get to go to. Also, you can use it as an opportunity to network. We will discuss this further in the next section.
You Should Have Your OWN LIFE
From what I have said already, it might sound like your role is to worship your boyfriend and make your life revolve around him. That is not the case. In fact, it couldn't be more opposite.
What I have said so far is true. But it is more about how to support your entrepreneur boyfriend in your day-to-day relationship. However, to attract a high net worth man, you need to be an independent girl boss woman.
An entrepreneur is typically (not always) attracted to someone that is independent, has their own life, knows what they want and does not need looking after. You don't necessarily need to earn loads of money and have an amazing career. It is just someone that shows them attributes and is confident in themselves.
For men, they want to know they can leave you on your own and you are happy to get on with your own stuff. The key word is being happy. Henry always says to me that he liked me from the offset because I was ambitious and had my own goals and dreams before I even knew properly what he did. He still says to this day, 'I don't care what you are doing, as long as you are happy.'
At the end of the day, a partner wants to come home to a woman that is fulfilled and brings positive vibes. I am not saying you have to be happy all the time because we all have our days. But you bring the glue and the nurturing that helps you blossom.
Spend time focusing on you. What you want, what you like doing, what makes you happy. When Henry was away in Marbella, I worked on my own business, smashed the gym, saw friends and family and made myself happy first. Of course, your boyfriend will always be a source of happiness, but he should not be your only one.
You Should Be Willing To Share Them
Coming back to my previous point about being flexible. It ties in nicely with sharing your entrepreneur boyfriend a lot of the time.
Whether at dinners, events, holidays or even around the house. There will be others in your relationship, and you need to get used to it. You will find an entrepreneur who has a large network all over the world.
Say you go on holiday to Italy, he will probably find someone he knows, and you will be taken to a meal with them. Or, you could be enjoying your Friday night to find someone pops over for a quick business meeting.
This is where you need to draw the line and make rules between yourself. This is where it can get really hard, and learning how to support your entrepreneur boyfriend really comes into play.
You have to discuss boundaries with your partner. You need to set time aside for yourself because, at the end of the day, you are in a relationship, and you should be a priority. However, there will be times when going to a client meal with him will benefit both you and your life.
Discuss this with your boyfriend and let him know when it makes you uncomfortable and what you are happy to accept. He needs to pay you respect, especially in your own space and should appreciate you approaching him about it.
You Should Help Them Stay Organised
I am stereotyping here, but men tend to be unorganised.
Luckily for me, Henry is very organised. However, with how busy he is with his business, he can't organise everything in his life. Therefore, you need to step as his partner and keep you both organised.
Now, I don't want this to come across like you have to devote your life to the guy, but it is far from it. But if you want to be in a relationship with a guy that is an entrepreneur, you need to understand that it is different. There is a lot more on the table from their end, so you need support for that.
One way we keep organised as a couple is by using Google calendar. Sending calendar invites for everything we do helps to keep us organised. As far as Henry is concerned, if it is not in Google calendar, it does not exist.
It helps for many reasons:
He doesn't miss events/ meals/ key dates
It helps you both to see what each other's months look like
It locks in time together that is uncompromised
It also helps you stay organised!
You might be wondering why a grown man, especially an entrepreneur, needs to be reminded when key dates are. It is not about that. Henry will still remember when my birthday is (I'd hope); it just helps to lock things in when things get hectic.
You Shouldn't Compare Your Relationship With Others
This is definitely one that I struggled with at first. Not because I wanted someone else's relationship, but getting used to the fact that your relationship with an entrepreneur is not normal.
Everyday things like Sundays lying in bed, Netflix in the evening, or always being on the other end of the phone aren't common with an entrepreneur. Don't get me wrong, Henry will always be there if I need him, but don't expect a text back quickly or to enjoy most evenings watching Netflix.
I mean, I wouldn't have it any other way, because like my previous point, you need your own life and be your own person. You need to get used to the fact that your relationship isn't normal; it isn't the average Joe relationship. It is so much more and so much better.
Normal relationships can't travel and work from anywhere in the world. Normal relationships don't get to dine in the most amazing restaurants in the world. Normal relationships will never have the opportunities you will get access to with an entrepreneur boyfriend. So you need to re-adjust your norm because that is going to become your reality.
Growing together, pushing each other to be their best selves will be way more rewarding than lying in bed hungover every Sunday (only some Sundays ;) ).
How Can An Entrepreneur Be Happy When Dating?
Entrepreneurs can easily be happy dating once they are dating the right person. As long as their partner is supportive, trustworthy and shows interest in their business, they will be happy. Entrepreneurs want a partner that is like their teammate rather than a partner they have to look after all the time.
What Is It Like Dating An Entrepreneur?
Dating an entrepreneur is so different to dating a normal person. It is like dating two people; the business and the actual person. You will feel like you are competing for attention from all sorts of different directions. You need to remember to look after yourself and put yourself first in times of loneliness.
What Do Entrepreneurs Look For In A Partner?
Entrepreneurs look for partners who are confident in themselves and what they do, able to make decisions effectively, mature in their mindset, able to guide the direction and can take the lead where needs must. It almost sounds like a job application, right? Think of it almost as if you'll be their business partner and always their first point of call.
Why Is It Hard Dating An Entrepreneur?
Dating an entrepreneur is very hard. I am not even going to like you, it is an emotional rollercoaster. There are ups and downs, irritation and excitement; you will experience it all. You will never be bored and always be kept on your toes.
How Do You Support Entrepreneurs?
The money question is, how do you support entrepreneurs? There is no simple answer. You have to be supportive, flexible, understanding, trustworthy, a coach, organised and have a whole heap of love for them.
All In Or Nothing
When I started dating Henry, I just knew it was so different to any other guy I had dated before. Not because of the classic 'this one just feels different' rubbish, but because I had never experienced a man so disciplined, driven, ambitious or courageous as him.
Not to toot his own horn, but he really is one of a kind. Therefore, straight away, I knew I was in for the ride of my life. From the beginning, you really do have to be all in or nothing.
Learning how to support your entrepreneur boyfriend never stops. You will constantly be learning, making mistakes and discovering new things about each other. But it is all worth it for the benefits you both gain from the relationship.
I truly believe there is nothing more powerful than an entrepreneur who has a confident, strong, independent partner behind them. It is the recipe for success. Whether you want to travel the world and live in luxury or buy a massive house with 3 dogs, the possibilities are endless if you guys work together to achieve your dreams.
We hope you found this helpful and understand more about entrepreneurs in relationships. If you have any questions, get in touch :)