How To Keep A Conversation Going Over Text With Your Crush
Introduction: The Importance of Keeping a Relationship Going Over Text
Whether you meet in person, online or a combination, being able to keep a conversation going over text with your crush is always hard, but you need to crack it if you’re going to get things to work. While we're not relationship experts, we have spent our whole relationship 2+ hours away. So keeping things fresh and exciting has been necessary for the weeks and months we have to spend apart.
In 2022, with so many couples meeting online, if you cannot keep a relationship going over text, it may be difficult to form something long-term. Just look back to COVID - how many relationships did you know ended due to time spent apart?
Learning how to keep your relationship going over text is essential because you may have to wait a long time to meet up in person - regardless of the stage of your relationship. This blog will answer “How To Keep A Conversation Going Over Text With Your Crush” through failsafe ways to keep a conversation going until you can finally meet in person!
If you’d like to learn more after reading this blog, please check out “4 Essential Keys to Effective Communication in Love, Life and Work” - this is a book we’d recommend to help communicate over text and in person!
5 Effective Ways of Keeping The Conversation Going with Someone You’ve Never Met In Person
The best way to keep a conversation is by asking a person questions and learning more about their interests. This is something you can do from when you start talking and can help you find shared interests.
Ask them about themselves - When talking to someone over text, it can be easy to lose track of the conversation and talk about yourself too much.
When you ask about the person you are texting, it gives them a chance to talk about themselves and allows you to learn what they enjoy when you schedule that first date! Be sure not to ask too many questions at once, or they might feel like they will never get a word in!
Comment on something they said previously - Bringing something up that you once spoke about shows you’re listening and paying attention. If your crush has previously said, they enjoy watching rugby or going on walks, bringing that up in conversation and learning more is a great way to keep the conversation going.
When you haven’t met someone in person, showing them that you care and are interested in them can be as easy as remembering what matters to them.
Ask about their day or what they did today - Sometimes, you may have had a busy or bad day and forget to ask what the other person got on up to. Start the conversation by asking about their day - If they seem in a good mood, go into more detail.
Send a picture of something you are doing - While there’s a time and a place, sending pictures of things you get up to in a day can be a great way to keep a conversation going over text with your crush.
Below, we have added some examples of pictures we sent to each other when we kept the conversation going over text.
Photos from time spent with friends.
Dog updates are always a great way of keeping conversation going.
5. Add charm - Charm is a helpful technique for opening up new relationships. It doesn’t deceive others but instead highlights your strengths and uses social interaction tools to their maximum potential. You can use charm to get to know someone you don’t know or even ask them on a date. Charm will make you look good, and people will want to be around you.
There is a fine line between charm and manipulation. Manipulation is often to get things in the short-term, however, charm is a long term game - you use it when you genuinely notice something about someone and want to mention it.
“Do You Want To Meet Up?” - The Best Way To Get A Date Over Text
Flirting is an essential part of dating. However, you can’t properly flirt with someone without knowing how to text them. So here are some tips on how to get a date over text messages.
I saw this new restaurant, and they have your favourite food. When are you free?
This text is ideal to send after a few text conversations with someone. The specifics can be tailored to your situation, but an approach like this reflects a bold but powerful move. Most people will be happy to see that you remembered their favourite dish. It’s essential to keep the mood light and not start a serious discussion when you ask her this question- lead into it with an easier one first.
Sleep well! Would you like to catch-up over a coffee in the morning?
You don’t want to go in with the “goodnight” text if you have only been speaking for a short period. When things have matured a bit more, you can send this text and follow up by asking them for a coffee the day after (or drinks if you’re feeling bold).
I have an extra ticket to that movie you wanted to see. What time should I pick you up?
You don’t even have to have the ticket ready - this is a “no risk” approach to asking someone on the date while also showing you listen to their interests. If they have said they like going to the movies, this can be a way to finally see your crush in person before making a move (if things go well!).
I have this event coming up, fancy coming along?
If you’re invited to an event with a plus one, it’s worth asking the person if they want to tag along. It could be a party, dinner or some other formal event which may set the tone for a second date. Be sure to only invite them if they have previously indicated that they would be interested.
Robyn on her way to her favourite restaurant after I used tip #1
Texting your crush FAQs
Below we have added frequently asked questions on how to keep a conversation going over text with your crush and some things to send your crush - if you have any questions that we haven’t covered, please get in touch, and we’ll be happy to help out!
What should I text my crush over text?
When texting your crush over text, be sure to do the below 6 things:
Ask them about themselves
Comment on something they said previously
Ask about their day or what they did today
Send a picture of something you are doing
Add charm
Don’t text them during busy times (so you’re not constantly killing the conversation)
How do I stop conversation dying?
One of the best ways to get a good discussion going is to re-address something they said before. It shows you pay attention and care enough about them to restart a conversation they enjoy after or before a conversation dies.
How do I keep my crush Interested?
Below we have added 10 things you can do to keep your crush interested and keep a conversation going over text with your crush:
Don’t be afraid to stand out and be different
Make subtle gestures that you want to be more than friends (such as through making eye contact)
Text them and keep them updated, but don’t over text them and be too keen
Listen more than you talk
Find out about their passions and future goals
Buy them something as a small gesture - we recommend sending a journal as it’s something you can share journeys in. Check out this leather, refillable journal as a potential idea.
Confess your feelings
Don’t play mind games or try to manipulate them - if it’s meant to be, it’ll happen
Don’t talk about your old crushes
Don’t force conversations
How To Keep A Conversation Going With A Guy Over Text
Conversation gets easier with text messages. However, it’s important to remember that the conversation can sometimes die out. Ways to keep him interested and keep conversation flowing include sending him something random or connecting in person. This section will go over several ways to help keep a conversation alive and revive it when it goes dead. This section is by Robyn and is part of why we’ve managed to keep our long-distance relationship going for over a year.
Here are some tips on how to keep a conversation going with a guy over text:
Ask him open-ended questions - Use questions that start with “what” or “how” to get him to open up and expand upon things. Following up on these questions that relate to how things made him feel can also keep conversations going. No one likes to be on the receiving end of closed questions such as “Did you have a nice day?”
Bring a memory up from the past - Bringing a fond memory up from the past can not only get the conversation going, but it can also be a starting point for planning future adventures. This could include:
“Remember that time we went to Greenwich Park!? Why don’t we go again sometime or find another park in London to visit?”
“Remember when we watched that series on Netflix? How would you feel if we found another one to watch”
“What’s one thing we have previously done together that you would like to do again?”
Talk about his interests - As we discussed above, if you want to keep a text going over text with your crush, remembering their interests and asking them questions can be a great way to spark conversation. To avoid being too basic here, why don’t you try bringing up interests that they have previously mentioned but haven’t explored for a while. For example, he may have once explored a business idea but dropped it for some reason; mentioning this could spark a more profound interest and desire that could be explored.
Keep him on his toes - No one likes predictable conversations that always go one way. Keeping him on his toes is a brilliant way to spark conversation and keep one going - below, we have added some examples of how you can do this:
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you coming to visit this weekend - what would you like to do when you get here?”
“I just watched a new series, and I couldn’t stop thinking about how fun it would be to watch together.”
“You’ll never guess what I just bought for us…”
Obviously, there are many other things you can say and do when solving how to keep a conversation going with a guy over text, but we’re keeping this blog purely PG for now. If you’d like more ideas on keeping things interesting with a guy over text and dating in general, check out the award-winning Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus and Why Men Love Bitches (below).
Conclusion: How To Keep A Conversation Going Over Text With Your Crush
It is challenging to keep up a conversation over text with your crush at times. This blog has given you several topics that you can use and some tactics you can use to get that date and ask a girl out over text.
One thing to remember is that you can read all of the books and blogs, and watch all of the Youtube videos in the world, but the best way to keep a conversation going and how to keep a conversation going over text with a guy is just to be yourself - if someone doesn’t speak to you, for you, then it’s never going to last.
We have found that having the same values as someone can be the key - if you don’t connect at that fundamental level, then they may be conflict further down the line. So if you have any questions or want to find out more about how we have managed to make things work long-distance, feel free to get in touch with the A Couple Things To Do Team.